I can't believe I have a one-year-old, a little toddler, walking and yelling his words from the top of his lungs, throwing tantrums and calling the time he wants to go to bed. Dodo maman, he says.
You changed my life. You rocked it like nothing and nobody did before. You are the best thing that happened to me. But Gosh, it was hard. At first I wasn't sure I was made to be a mom. We had our difficulties and still, it stings and hurts and I feel guilt. But you've grown up and you've teach me a lot. I can let go a little control. I have more patience. I gave you my heart and everyday, it is with you. You are my sunshine. I never thought I would cry for a fake plant pot with a fake flower inside, but the Mother's Day gift you gave me today at your daycare got me. It will sit on my desk at work forever. I love you, my sweet baby boy. Forever.
Oh, we had a great party. Wanna see pictures?
Bunting banners: knotted nest
Felt crown: Alys&Felix
Popcorn bags: Hey YoYo